
Get the most from your CAC membership

Member Benefits

Grow your Business

  • Receive a list of CAC Vendor Members who provide products and services designed specifically for the needs of collection agencies.

  • CAC provides members with education opportunities, networking, the latest in technology and industry trends.

  • Attend CAC’s Annual Conference, educational seminars and region meetings at member prices.

  • Expand your legislative sway…

Connect with Legislators

  • The most current legal information from CAC’s legal counsel. Region meetings with presentations from local attorneys or lobbyists.

  • The opportunity to have input regarding the current legislative plans.

  • Annual Legislative Day in Sacramento where members discuss priorities and legislative strategies, meet with their legislators, and attend committee hearings.

  • Weekly summaries of activities at the Capitol.

  • Cultivate your resources…

Develop Professional Skills

  • The Collector’s Ink magazine which provides collection information, general business information, legal opinions and much more.
  • The Consumer 800 Hotline for consumer’s complaints and resolution.
  • Education seminars that provide today’s collection agency owners and their employees the most current knowledge of the law and other business concerns.

Membership Benefits

General Membership

General Membership of the association are those members engaged in the third party collection business.

Membership Benefits

Associate Membership

Associate Members are persons or businesses interested in the collection industry and not eligible for other classes of membership either because they are not a third party collection agency, are an out-of-state resident, or they do not market any 

Membership Benefits

Vendor Membership

The CAC Vendor Membership program is offered to persons, corporations, partnerships, or entities engaged in a business that provide goods or services to collection agencies. Today’s collection agency owners know the value of the latest in technology and services that will enhance the collection agency.

Membership Benefits

Member Attorney Program (MAP)

Members’ Attorney Program (MAP) of the California Association of Collectors, Inc. (CAC) is for defense, collection, in-house, risk management and business attorneys.

Collector's Ink Quarterly Magazine

Only Vendor Members in good standing of CAC may advertise.

Publication Trim Size

 Width:  8.5″
Length: 11.0″

Full page

 Width:  8.5″
Length: 11.0″

Half page (H)

 Width: 7.5″
Length: 4.875″

Half page (V)

 Width:  3.625″
Length: 10.0″

Insertions by Contract

Display Rates (Full Color, per ad, based on contracted number of issue ads)

Full Page

1 Time:

2 or 3 Times:

4 Times:

Half Page

1 Time:

2 or 3 Times:

4 Times:

Placement Requests




Front Cover


Back Cover


Outside back
cover (1/2 page)


Other Special Placement

CAC Publishing Policy: CAC assumes no responsibility for any liability arising from the content of any advertisement. CAC reserves the right to reject advertising in its publications for any reason at any time. Limited advertising space is available.

Advertising Acceptance: CAC reserves the right to decline or reject any advertisement for any reason at any time without liability even though previously acknowledged and accepted, and/or if for any reason it becomes necessary to omit the advertisement. Acceptance of an ad does not mean endorsement by CAC of the products and/or services advertised, the advertising parties, or the claims made in said advertisement. The advertising party accepts full and sole responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of statements made in their advertisements. All monies received will be refunded if your ad is declined by CAC. CAC accepts advertising on a first come, first serve basis as advertising space is limited.

Advertising Rates: Rates are subject to change without notice. Rates good through 12/31/19. Call for updated rates.

Distribution: CAC News is scheduled to be mailed within the first half of the month following the insertion deadline.

Payment: Payments for each issue are to be paid in full within 30-days after invoice date. Advertisers shall accrue a penalty of 25% of their balance for each month payment is outstanding by more than 60 days from invoice date and future ad insertion contracts will be held until CAC receives full payment due. There will be a $25 charge for any returned check.

Cancellation: Advertisers withdrawing advertisements within 15 days prior to publication shall pay 50% of gross amount owed.

Vendor Membership

Additional Benefits

The CAC Vendor Membership program is offered to persons, corporations, partnerships, or entities engaged in a business that provide goods or services to collection agencies. Today’s collection agency owners know the value of the latest in technology and services that will enhance the collection agency.

Learn more about advertising opportunities available only to CAC vendor members. Only vendor members of CAC will be able to take advantage of this incredible opportunity to be “in front” of our members several times a year.

Additionally, we will do an email blast newsletter, our “e-Ink”, on the off months of the printed Ink publication. This email blast with up-to-the-minute information for members will carry with it the opportunity for one vendor to sponsor each blast. The cost of each exclusive sponsorship is $500. Please call the office to sign up for sponsorship of one of these communication opportunities.

Vendor Membership dues for January-December 2024 are $1,030. You’ll enjoy all the benefits listed above

We welcome your questions about our new programs and thank you for your continued support of the California Association of Collectors.